Real and Positive Change

Community Partnerships

NicBluCaresIMPACT collaborates with civic, health, and community-based organizations to foster a culture of caring that can reduce loneliness and isolation. By engaging the public and learning from each other, we can better cope with challenges, live healthier, and achieve wellbeing together.


Kato ‘Journey Guide’ Doulas listen to your hopes, fears and goals around serious illness and offer resources, support and care.

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Converse with leaders in health, education, and public service sectors to explore the impact of social health on personal health.


Gather, mobilize, and promote wisdom from community members to help solve some of our most difficult social and health problems.


Get your bell ready – we are ringing together at area churches, court houses,  city buildings, private homes, and businesses.

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Collaboratively work with higher education research teams and helping professionals to implement programs and project initiatives through grants and research.


Reports, guides, and toolkits are developed and circulated to help integrate Compassionate Community concepts and methods into practices and policies.

Kato Towns Compassionate Charter

The Kato Towns Charter is a growing collection of community-developed best practices across Mankato/North Mankato representing how we care and support each other during life's difficult experiences. We are a compassionate community!

View the Kato Towns Charter

Join the Kato Towns Charter

Update the Kato Towns Charter

Meet our Public Partners


NicBluCaresNOW Find what you need. When you need it.

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NicBluCaresTOGETHER builds our capacity for compassion, inviting us to come together with respect, authentic presence and attentive listening. Sharing our experiences allows us to companion each other through suffering, which is the definition of compassion.


NicBluCaresIMPACT collaborates with civic, health, and community-based organizations to foster a culture of caring that can reduce loneliness and isolation. By engaging the public and learning from each other, we can better cope with challenges, live healthier, and achieve wellbeing together.

NicBluCaresNOW is a dynamic community directory that allows users to explore and access local support services. It also offers a way to increase our connections with each other and with the places, groups, and activities that cultivate belonging and enrich our lives.