2020 Rural MN Equity Summit
Building Equity by Becoming Anti-Racist. Two-day summit 9:00am - 12:00pm on each day. Discover - Challenge - Reflect - Connect - Activate Register at: www.stpetercommunityedonline.com or call 507-934-3048 ext. 1
Building Equity by Becoming Anti-Racist. Two-day summit 9:00am - 12:00pm on each day. Discover - Challenge - Reflect - Connect - Activate Register at: www.stpetercommunityedonline.com or call 507-934-3048 ext. 1
Building Equity by Becoming Anti-Racist. Two-day summit 9:00am - 12:00pm on each day. Discover - Challenge - Reflect - Connect - Activate Register at: www.stpetercommunityedonline.com or call 507-934-3048 ext. 1 or go to https://stpeter.epaytrak.com/
Join us to learn how Aunt Bertha supports Minnesota and Wisconsin-based organizations, and take a deep dive into the free suite of Community Based Organization (CBO) tools available. Workshop includes one-step referrals, customizable eligibility screening forms, and analytics reporting tools. We’ll discuss how an open social care network best serves the interests of people in […]
What's going on in your life: what’s working? what’s not working? what’s needed? A Talking Café is about people sharing similar experiences – helping each other get through the day. Your voice is a vital part of community healing. Please join in the conversation, share & learn. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvduuhrTkqGdRO4XLv9DXGkL4_wqfcdM2L
To join the Kato Towns Compassionate Charter - it starts with a conversation among your group's members. In the NicBluCares Compassionate Community, we are talking about belonging, loss, and resiliency. More importantly, we are listening! By sharing the stories of our loss - what was helpful or what would have helped if it had been […]
To join the Kato Towns Compassionate Charter - it starts with a conversation among your group's members. In the NicBluCares Compassionate Community, we are talking about belonging, loss, and resiliency. […]
To join the Kato Towns Compassionate Charter - it starts with a conversation among your group's members. In the NicBluCares Compassionate Community, we are talking about belonging, loss, and resiliency. […]
Educational event to be held at Vine Faith in Action in Mankato. Free for members and $5.00 for non-members. Call Vine Faith in Action to register at 507-387-1666
To join the Kato Towns Compassionate Charter - it starts with a conversation among your group's members. In the NicBluCares Compassionate Community, we are talking about belonging, loss, and resiliency. […]
To join the Kato Towns Compassionate Charter - it starts with a conversation among your group's members. In the NicBluCares Compassionate Community, we are talking about belonging, loss, and resiliency. […]
Annual Fund Raiser for Minnesota Network of Hospice and Palliative Care